Please click here to view the 2022-2023 DRHS Band/Orchestra Handbook. Families involved in our program should review this together, and fill out the “Handbook Acknowledgement” Assignment found in Google Classroom.
Please click here to view the 2022-2023 DRHS Band/Orchestra Handbook. Families involved in our program should review this together, and fill out the “Handbook Acknowledgement” Assignment found in Google Classroom.
We are excited for a great year in our music program! Please make sure you check this website as we continue to update it with relevant information for the school year— thank you!
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the 2022 DRHS Marching Band Informational meeting on Tuesday 5/3. Linked below are all of the documents from the meeting.
Here is the TENTATIVE 2022 Screamin’ Eagles Marching Band calendar, for your planning purposes. Please understand that this is a preliminary calendar and a handful of dates may shift as we get closer to the season. This is also found on the “Calendar” page.